YSE Saint Laur’Ant – “Faux Métier EP”


Hope you are all ready for a hardy slab of pristine disco goodness! This next producer has a couple different aliases, but we can refer to him as YSE Saint Laur’Ant. His latest EP is a saucy little number called ‘Faux Métier’ which dropped via Editorial yesterday. With over a decade of music making under his belt, YSE has had quite some time to sharpen his deep house sound. This new EP highlights some of that special disco fire that keeps people coming back for more! All four tracks are laden full of an irresistible amount of funk that will have you drifting back in time to those crowded Saturday night disco dance floors where everyone brought their best moves and the only goal for the night was to sweat off some steam. The basslines oozing out of this EP are on another level. This is how to handle disco without crossing over into cheesy territory. Kudos to YSE Saint Laur’Ant.

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12. December 2014 by admin
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