Mammals – “Depraved (Jahnne Remix)”


This one comes at you from Australia via Jahnne who remixes the dreamy single, “Depraved,” by Sydney based group Mammals and molds it into a slow searing dance anthem. Jahnne has come to be known as a formidable producer of melancholic dance tracks that evoke deep emotive responses on the dance floor. He plays off the melody found in the latter part of the original track and continues to build lush, late night layers that are even more enhanced by the breathy, whispering vocals. This rendition gets better and better with each passing second and you really can’t ignore the urge to let your body sway to the music. Jahnne is one to place quality before quantity so we aren’t really sure when we will hear from him next, but this gem is sure to hold us over until then. Enjoy it thoroughly below.

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21. January 2015 by admin
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